Sunday, November 30, 2008

post trip syndrome

woke up in the morning, found myself to be on my own 'fragant' and comfortable bed. well, to be truthful,i felt kinda of weird!! haha..i also dunno why.but i know why,i miss the trip and the team and the kids.not only that, the fabulous weather in Chiangmai, the weather in singapore is freaking hot!!!! HAHAHAHA....

think you all must be wondering...why in the hell i'm suffering from post trip syndrome?? hahaha....i've looking at my team mates for 16 consecutive days!!! and i actually miss having meals with them together and talking about shitting and many other stuffs openly!! hahaha

well,i'll be updating more posts about my trips once i get as many pics as i can...trying to blog it from the 1st day of the trip(14 nov) to chiangmai to the last day of the trip(29nov)!! then it'll be nicer and easier to please do stay tune to my new and boring blog:P

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