I'VE COMPLETED MY 10km ADIDAS SUNDOWN!! whee,i know it's not a big deal,but i completed without stopping!! yeah!!! hahahahaha..morning have frisbee tournament(even though i didnt play like A LOT,but still, it's quite tiring to play under the freaking heavy rain) but the weird thing is,even though im so tired,i still have the energy to go for a light swim.i want to get under the sun.i miss the warmth of the sun and tanning feeling.LOL..
kinda of irritated by a couple of things at the moment.RAHHH!!!
anw,back to the adidas sundown,i hope they'll improve their management next year.i was quite turned off when they didnt let the corporate and 10k women ppl to go off.well,i noe there's only a pathetic small bridge to walk,but the nx marathon is at 12am!?!?! those ppl could let us off in grps rather than letting those ppl to walk in first and stay inside for 2hrs.and there weren't a lot of signs.too much confusion.volunteers were complaining tired when they were standing and DRINKING water.and some were really rude.oh well...and the best thing is ,10km..there's only ONE drink station.tsk tsk.moreover the weather was horrendously humid.and the last complaint,the pathway is WAY TOO NARROW,cuz it allows only 2 ppl to run adjacently!rahh...whatever.LOL...
before the race,along the beach enjoying the wind breeze cuz it was damn humid!

the grass is soft,
the sun is so comfortable and warm,
i want to lie down there,
and absorb all the sunlight .
it's so calm and quiet,
look across and i see the horizon,
and i smiled,
knowing that rainbow is beyond pluto already.
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