Sunday, February 21, 2010

self hypnotised!

life is not all about money.

life is not all about results.

life is not all about getting golds.

but the reality is like that.

reality wants you to have all these.

i used to have that mentality,after going through so much in the past 1 month. i can't exactly say that i do not care or not wanting to own those things now, but i do dare to day that some things are definitely not worth worrying too much about.

so what if one has so much money,so intelligent and everything, but is a loner or unfortunately have some illness or one who does not trust another . wouldn't it be miserable?

i dunno.

but i do know that i have new perspective for life.

life's short to get too angry at someone or about something. waste of energy,time and brain cells.

self hypnotization is freaking impt to me: it doesnt would not matter.the worry kicks in unknowingly.i truly hates it.

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