Saturday, November 29, 2008

Back to Singapore!!!!

OMG...after so many days in chiangmai, in the Ban Pha Tek Village and the Star Hotel...finally back in s'pore!! SAFE AND SOUND!!!

as ur know thailand now is chaotic because of the PAD and the PM thingy...that made the atmosphere in thailand so tensed and horrible!! and even made our flight delayed by a day!! but luckily we still can get back to s'pore within such a short period of time!! LOL...not easy arrangement done by mr liang, mr peter and many more!!

all i can say this OCIP trip is really FANTASTIC,AWESOME,FUN, EMOTIONAL,EYE-OPENER and super eventful!!

well,i'll post again about what we did in the village and all the thousands of photos!!!

BTW,i'll like to thank those who asked about my safety, like zhong zi, my sis's colleague at work, aunty zhu zhu, 6th aunt, grandmama...

last but not least...MY DEAREST FAMILY !! who worried like for me yet not showing their emotions on their faces or in their voices...

thank you very much!!

1 comment:

candy said...

welcome back to singapore! =D=D=D hope u had fun. HAHAHAHAHA